
Boquete Pictures

Us and another couple enjoying the natural hot springs. We were the only people there.

Really thick mud!!! I was stuck!

The boys bringing us our spa treatment.

I wasn't lying about the mud!
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Sierpe Videos

Check out the videos I took of Sierpe to see where I live!


Weekend in Boquete

Every 90 days we leave the country for 72 hours to renew our tourist visa. This 90/72 happened to fall around our two year anniversary so we headed to Boquete, Panama for four days of fun.  We took a bus from Sierpe to Palmar to Paso Canoas to David to Boquete and it only cost $5 per person.  I surprised Trevor with a night in an amazing hotel that many American presidents have stayed in and that has a lot of history, the Panamonte. It was beautiful. We also met this really neat couple who was actually on their honeymoon and took an all day trip to natural hot springs. Once there we splashed back and forth from the chilly, rushing river full of gold flakes to the four pools heated from the underground thermal energy from the nearby volcano.  We gold panned by hand and came up with many large flakes but it was the two quarters we found that really paid off.  Beer in Panama is only $.50 so we shared a Cerveza Panama to reward ourselves for all our hard gold panning work.  We even took the chance to cover our entire bodies and faces in volcanic ash mud that was gray.  It was like a free spa day and we were the only people there.  At a local Peruvian resturaunt we tried something new called Leche de Tigre, a concauction of ceviche juice, condensed milk, spices and veggies.  Yummm...  We met an awesome Dutch couple another night at a hostel and hit it off, sharing tid bits about our area and now they're coming to visit!  There are always new things to be discovered about our surrounding area, places to see and people to meet.  The best thing about our weekend adventure was the remote nature of the hot springs.  The gorgeous river, hidden pools and free spa treatments were pristine and private and since they're "off the beaten path" they're sure to stay that way.  Come visit and I'll show you exactly where they are!


My Sick Day

We've all had our moments when we're sick and our head is in the sky.  But I would bet this one tops them all.  

My loving boyfriend came home to thaw some chicken to make me chicken noodle soup with.  He turned the kitchen sink on, set the chicken in and left me on the couch watching tv while he went back to the office.  I kept an eye on it, moving it around to make sure all parts got thawed.  Next thing you know I got up to take a shower and as I walked to the bathroom I got that sinking feeling...

Turns out the plastic from the chicken had come loose and covered the sink drain.  To all of you reading this in North America, be thankful for the master engineering that goes into the sinks that you can't overflow (hole near the top as a secondary drain).  Until now, I took them for granted.  As I stood in two inches of water and looked around to the other three rooms that were just as full, I wished I had one.  I ran around checking electronics and making sure the most important things were out of the lake while I called Trevor to say, "Come home and bring some towels, I flooded the house."  From there I took three towels back and forth from the sink to Trevor's bedroom about 20 times trying to sop it all up...while Trevor and his friends literally swept the river of water out of the spare bedroom.  At first we were all in pure shock at the amount of water IN THE HOUSE... finally we started smiling and today we can joke about it.  

All in all we're thankful to have a partner who can lend one of her employees to come help and another friend who takes care of the house who came right over and spent a couple hours cleaning everything up.  We reflected on what would have happened had we lived in the states.  Anything from replacing carpeting to hiring a company with a wetvac.  But down here all you need is a few friends and a few towels.  Not only do people have the time to stop what they're doing and help you out, they smile and laugh while they're doing it.

And the chicken noodle soup was delicious.  


Check Out My New Slideshows

I recently made some changes to my blog and added four new slideshows along the right hand column.  They are full of pictures for your viewing pleasure.  I'm hoping to lure all of you here!  It truly is a beautiful place!