
Afternoon on the Ocean

The day after Thanksgiving Trevor, his best friend who lives down here, Cass, Cass' girlfriend Julia and I went to the beach house and took an afternoon to fish the Pacific.

We rigged up ballihoo, had lunch packed in the cooler, applied sunscreen and were counting on some catch for dinner!  About twenty miles later when we had passed Isla Cano the dolphins came out!  There were spotted and spinner and bottle nosed dolphins of all shapes and sizes.  They all swam with the boat, gave us a show and totally distracted us from the fact that we hadn't caught any fish yet.  
Next were the whales.  Apparently it is very special to come upon a whale doing a headstand.  They're not sure why they do it but for up to an hour they position themselves completely vertically and upside down.  Just their tale pops out of the water.  So when we saw it in the distance we were able to cruise on over and get pretty close.  It was gorgeous, the tale is SO BIG!  We stayed for a while and noticed that it had a baby with it too.  They swam off together so big and so strong and so serene.  
On our way to catching fish we saw a total of five sea turtles which are an excellent find since they're tough to spot.  Then finally, we got a bite and Julia landed a dorado or dolphin fish or mahi mahi, whatever you want to call it.  Next was Jerry's turn.  He got a black tuna, a bait fish. 

Then it was my turn...

In less than two minutes from getting the fish on I had landed an 18 pound mahi mahi all by myself.  No one was even ready for it I got it in so quick.  Trevor gaffed it and we quickly threw it in the fish box...it was still a little too lively!  Dorado are so fun to catch because they dive then come up and jump out of the water!  They're excellent to eat and GORGEOUS colors!  

We had our fish so we headed in and enjoyed a lovely evening at the beach house with good friends.  All in a days work.  Pura Vida.

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