

Though it's a Catholic church and the walls are painted bubble gum pink, Trevor and I went to fellowship with locals. The benches are more uncomfortable than Bidwell Pres' if you can imagine, and the distractions are unbelievable. Even if you take away the fact that the speaker is preaching in Spanish, you are sure to be distracted by children lying face down on the cold cement floor under the chairs, the small cloth flags of other countries hung crookedly above the "interesting" mural painted on the wall (of rolling hills and a stream) and to top it off, the woman sitting next to me is breast feeding. At one point I felt something on my leg and thought I was being bitten by a mosquito (a common occurance) and when I moved my leg to get it off, I looked down to find a chihuahua licking my leg. WHAT?! Dogs in church?! So I listened as intently as possible and yet again was welcomed like one of their own, greeting tons of people I was meeting for the first time as if they were family. The preacher even introduced and welcomed us to the congregation at the beginning of church. I won't deny it though, the pink walls and the elderly woman dosing off were my favorite parts!


  1. I love it! Diesel wants to come to church! Do you need me to round up a Spanish prayer book for you so you can follow along?

  2. Glad I could be there, last Jan. to experience going to church with you and Trevor. lol I can just see the kids laying on the floor!!!
