
Independence Day

Happy 4th of July to everyone! Celebrating an American holiday down here makes me think even more about the real reason for the celebration. There are no distractions, no hype, no barrage of decorations. I feel more free here than I ever did in the states. I don't even have to ask for time off to celebrate. In fact, if I don't want to celebrate, I'm free to do that too! So this year we are celebrating the 5th of July to celebrate our independence from the nation that calls itself free. We will still have a BBQ and fireworks but we'll do so knowing that Monday morning doesn't chain us back to the life we wish we could escape.

This is the free-ist life.

1 comment:

  1. WOW! What an understatment!!!! I was just reminded of why I have property, home and a new life just waiting, thanks girl!
